isv_partner solutions_provider

Suite 49, Lot 14, North Terrace
Adelaide, South Australia 5000


isv_partner solutions_provider

All point-of-sale solutions are the same, right..? Wrong! MyVenue is the next-gen POS that sports, entertainment, and hospitality venues use to streamline POS operations, improve speed of service, and maximize revenue across every square inch of its space.

The hardware-agnostic POS software supports all service areas, giving venues unrivaled deployment flexibility across concession, premium, hawking, self-service kiosk, in-seat, suites, and retail locations. Supported by a native mobile ordering solution, online suite catering portal, and web-based back office with real-time reports, dashboards, system configuration, and inventory management, MyVenue is Changing The Game.

Compatible Products:

  • Android M60
  • Android I-Series

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